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Advancing Analytics

We develop and combine technologies into four-dimensional analytical methods for health research. Our goal: With our analytics for precision medicine, we want to contribute to optimising the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of various diseases.

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Research Programmes

In our four programmes, we conduct research on various interdisciplinary projects. In one of our research programmes, for example, we combine analytical procedures and develop multi-method concepts in order to elucidate disease mechanisms and identify potential therapeutic approaches - always with a clear application purpose for the following preclinical research.

Further information

ISAS Kompakt

27th March 2025

Valuable Connections: Dr Jianxu Chen

Dr Jianxu Chen leads the junior research group AMBIOM - Analysis of Microscopic BIOMedical Images at ISAS since 2021. He previously worked at the Allen Institute for Cell Science in Seattle, USA. In the ISAS -Kompakt series ‘Valuable Connections’, the computer scientist reports on his move to health research and to Germany.

Portrait von Dr.  Jianxu Chen.
12th March 2025

Two-step Analysis is a Thing of the Past Thanks to Innovative Mass Spectrometry

Fast and accurate mass spectrometric detection of non-polar substances such as cholesterol together with polar substances? And in just one analysis run? This is made possible by a new combination method that unites two ionization sources in one setup.

Daniel Foest steht im Labor und hält ein Papier mit einer Leberprobe, die er am Massenspektrometer untersucht.
10th March 2025

University professorship (W3) in “New Analytical Methods for Precision Medicine”

ISAS and the University of Duisburg-Essen are strengthening their existing collaboration with a further professorship based on the Jülich model. Applications are possible until April 6, 2025.

26th February 2025

What are you doing at ISAS, Leon?

What do marshmallows and chocolate have to do with cell analysis? Leon is finding out the answer during his school internship at ISAS. For ISAS Kompakt, the 15-year-old talks about what else he is learning during his time at the institute.

Leon hält Marshmallows, Schokolade und die Hardware für sein Projekt zur Bilderkennung.
14th February 2025

Valentines’ Day: Perfect Couples in the Lab

On Valentine's Day, the editors of ISAS Kompakt wanted to know what makes our researchers' hearts beat faster. The examples from the laboratories of the Bioimaging and NMR Metabolomics research groups show that special bonds do not only exist in love, but also in science.

Porträt von Dr. Themistoklis Venianakis.
10th February 2025

University Professorship (W2) for "New Technologies for NMR-based Metabolomics"

ISAS and the TU Dortmund University are strengthening their collaboration with a professorship based on the Jülich model. Applications can be submitted until April 2, 2025.

4th February 2025

Valuable Connections: Adrian Sebuliba

Adrian Sebuliba joined the ISAS junior research group AMBIOM in 2023 as a software engineer. Previously, he worked for a digital commerce platform for the chemical industry in Uganda. In the ISAS Kompakt series ‘Valuable Connections’, he reports on his move into health research, among other things.

Portrait of Adrian Sebuliba.
28th January 2025

A Small But Very Important Step

Susmita Ghosh joined the Biofluorescence research group at ISAS in October 2021. The PhD student has now received the first funding of her career for her pilot project “Dissecting the neutrophil-tumor cell interactome using SILAC-labelling”.

Portrait Susmita Ghosh.
17th January 2025

What are you doing at ISAS, Lennart?

What fascinates you about your work as a software engineer? And why are you engaged in the works council? Lennart Kowitz answers these and other questions in ISAS Kompakt.

Portrait of Lennart Kowitz.
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Applied Surface Science, Vol. 682, 2025

Al-Bataineh Q, Rjoub G, Telfah AD, Ahmad AA, Tavares CJ, Hergenröder R.

Developing surface plasmon resonance imaging for discrete particle detection based on a silver layer coated with polyacrylic acid/iodine polyelectrolyte brushes

Acta Neuropathologica Communications, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2025

Della Marina A, Koutsoulidou A, Natera-de Benito D, Tykocinski L, Tomazou M, Georgiou K, Laner A, Kölbel H, Nascimento A, Ortez C, Abicht A, Thakur…

Blood biomarker fingerprints in a cohort of patients with CHRNE-related congenital myasthenic syndrome

Journal of Neuroinflammation, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2025

Christ R, Siemes D, Zhao S, Widera L, Spangenberg P, Lill J, Thiebes S, Bottek J, Borgards L, Pinho AG, Silva NA, Monteiro S, Jorch SK, Gunzer M,…

Inhibition of tumour necrosis factor alpha by Etanercept attenuates Shiga toxin-induced brain pathology

Cell Metabolism, Vol. 2025, No. 37(2), 2025, P. 542-556.e14

Petrovic D, Slade L, Paikopoulos Y, D'Andrea D, Savic N, Stancic A, Miljkovic JL, Vignane T, Drekolia MK, Mladenovic D, Sutulovic N, Refeyton A,…

Ergothioneine improves healthspan of aged animals by enhancing cGPDH activity through CSE-dependent persulfidation

Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical engineering, Vol. 70, No. 1, 2024, P. 71-90

Li J, Zhou Z, Yang J, Pepe A, Gsaxner C, Luijten G, Qu C, Zhang T, Chen X, Li W, Wodzinski M, Friedrich P, Xie K, Jin Y, Ambigapathy N, Nasca E,…

MedShapeNet - a large-scale dataset of 3D medical shapes for computer vision.

Computational Mechanics, Vol. 2025, 2025

Shi R, Yang H, Chen J, Hackl K, Avril S, He Y.

Deep learning without stress data on the discovery of multi-regional hyperelastic properties

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 4, 2025, P. 1983-1991

Bahti A, Telfah A, Hergenröder R, Suter D.

NMR Spectral Editing, Water Suppression, and Dipolar Decoupling in Low-Field NMR Spectroscopy Using Optimal Control Pulses and Multiple-Pulse Sequence

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 4, 2025, P. 1-8

Foest D, Franzke J, Brandt S.

Quasi-Simultaneous Identification of Polar and Neutral Lipids in Mass Spectrometry by kHz Switching of Electrospray and Plasma Ionization

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